PIBWL presents:

Steel Panthers II Steel Panthers 2 / 3 Improvement Site

COLOR pictures for Steel Panthers 2 and Steel Panthers 3

Major update: 26. 04. 2011

[ PIBWL main page ] [ Steel Panthers 1 ] [ Color Panthers 1 ] [ Polish Armour ] [ what's new ] - © 1999-2011 Micha³ Derela,

2S1 Gvozdika
AH-64 Apache
We present our set of improved COLOR pictures for Steel Panthers 2 and 3 (modern range) games.

After a ten-year break (from 2001), we present a substantial update, with most of Steel Panthers 2 units covered this time (some 515 pictures of well over 400 units - some come in several variants).

M551  Sheridan
BM-27 Uragan
The pictures are mainly color sideviews, with only some photos or 3D views. The source artworks came from many different sources (not all of best quality), and all were processed, sometimes corrected or modified, and converted by PIBWL to Steel Panthers LBM format. We have tried to obtain best results from the game's poor color palette - and you can check results yourself. They are far nicer, than old ugly black and white ones pictures, and in some cases (like Il-10 plane, BM-24 rocket launcher, M114 scout APC), our pictures are also correct, replacing the wrong ones. Some pictures come in several variants.

Our pack of improved pictures is available here.


They should be copied into the game's "PIC" sub-folder (in case such a folder does not exist, you should create it). The pictures will overwrite original or third-party pictures, so you may want to create a backup of the folder first (you should also have originals on game's CD). See the details and pictures' list in a text file attached.

Note: the pack doesn't entirely fit to WinSPMBT (there is an inconsistency with the British units). In case you installed a present pack into SPMBT, you should also download a a pack of several SPMBT original pictures, which show different units, that were overwritten by our files (from 2011 release; the pictures could have changed in newer SPMBT updates). We've been working on major SPMBT-dedicated update, but it is a huge amount of work, while not all color pictures are available, so this project was suspended. If you want such pack to be created for WinSPMBT - let us know about it, for better motivation ;).

Gazelle Ilyushin Il-10 Fiat G-91R
BTR-152 BMP-1 Centurion

The color improved pictures for Steel Panthers-III - World War 2 range
are on our COLOR Panthers page.

KV-1 in color

Panhard EBR90We also have a pack of different miscellaneous modern pictures, not used in a standard game. You may find them useful for some purpose - I encourage you to try them. I also have some other pictures, so if you need anything, I may have it - write!

We are waiting for your comments. If you still find our pictures useful - let us know!

Since the originals come from many sources, in case you think, that your copyright for original pictures is infringed, or you want to be properly attributed - contact us.

Steel Panthers is a trademark of SSI, and we are not in any way related to SSI.

[ PIBWL main page ] [ Steel Panthers 1 ] [ Color Panthers 1 ] [ Polish Armour ] - © 1999-2011 Micha³ Derela